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The Brae Loch Inn
(315) 655-3431
The Brae Loch Inn
(315) 655-3431

The Haunting
The Brae Loch Inn is a warm, inviting Scottish inn nestled beside picturesque Cazenovia Lake. Perhaps the Inn is too inviting, as guests have reported a ghostly girl in a long blue dress offering to show them to their room. Other tales include a man and woman walking through closets and light orbs floating through canopy beds. Watch a video here on when Haunted History Trail of New York State visited the Brae Loch Inn.
5 Albany Street
Cazenovia, NY 13035
(315) 655-3431
Opportunities for visitors:
Pre-scheduled ghost tours are welcomed by reservation, as are professional ghost hunters. The Inn is also open year-round for those who would like to dine, stay, and enjoy a self-guided exploration.
Lodging ranges from $130 to $170 per night.