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The Stanley Theatre

259 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13501

The Stanley Theatre

259 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13501

The Haunting

The Stanley Theatre was built in 1928 as a grand movie palace. For more than 90 years this beautiful building has stood as the gem of Utica, but something strange is said to lurk inside its walls. Visitors, staff and ghost hunters have seen and heard footsteps, laughter, EVP’s, full body apparitions, and shadow people.


259 Genesee St. Utica, NY 13501

Opportunities for visitors:

Guided tours, stories of spooky happenings, and Ghost hunts are available to visitors by appointment. 

Days/times of operation:

Monday-Friday, 10AM to 4:00PM. Closed holidays. Event days & shows prevent tours, please consider when scheduling.


Please contact for pricing for 1-hour tour (groups of 1 to 20) as well as private Ghost hunts up to 3 hours, groups of 1 to 10.

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