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Widow Susan Road
Widow Susan Road

The Haunting
Scottish-born Susan Thomas married Harmanus DeGraff at the age of 18 in 1838 in Amsterdam, NY. They lived on a farm on the east end of town. About ten years later, she became a widow left responsible for the farm and several children. It was at this time that she became known in town as “Widow Susan.” Susan died in 1892 and was buried in Green Hill Cemetery on Church Street in Amsterdam, rather than in the DeGraff family plot which was well on its way to ruin at the time. According to legend, Susan’s ghost appears on the road that came to be called “Widow Susan Road,” in an old-fashioned white dress and crying while searching for something. It is believed she would be extremely confused to find herself interred at Green Hill Cemetery rather than the family plot and that her ghost is desperately searching for her husband’s grave.
Widow Susan Road runs from Chapman Drive up a steep hill to NYS Route 67. It is the focus of many reputed hauntings in the Town of Amsterdam.
Opportunities for visitors:
A Historical Marker is located on Widow Susan Road in the Town of Amsterdam. The marker briefly gives details about the legend of Widow Susan's ghost. It is the focus of many reputed hauntings. Legend has it—and this is verified by many witnesses—that the ghost of Susan is seen in an old fashioned white dress, crying and searching endlessly up and down Widow Susan Road. Although Susan’s ghost has been seen all along the road, she is most often seen around St. Michael’s Cemetery, Saint Casmir’s Cemetery, and Saint Nicholas’s Cemetery. Many believe she is looking for the grave of her husband, for its exact location is unknown. On top of her road wanderings, it is also believed that if you say “Widow Susan” three times her apparition appears or unusual things happen. The road is open to the public.
Days/times of operation:
This is located on a public road accessible 24/7.