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Fainting Goat Island Inn
Fainting Goat Island Inn

The Haunting
As a former railroad hotel built in the late 1800s, Fainting Goat Island Inn has a lot of history and stories to tell. The décor is distinctive and the themed rooms are filled with period furniture and unique pieces. Each room has a private bathroom and plenty of comfort and charm. The grounds are filled with flowers, an expansive grassy lawn, and river views. While wandering outside, you can meet Miles, the patriarch of the fainting goat herd, and Porkchop, the potbelly pig. It is such a wonderful place to stay that some former "guests" never left!
The guestbook is filled with rave reviews peppered with experiences that will send a shiver down your spine. Guests have reported being woken by the voices and visions of two women having tea in the Fainting Room. A child-sized chair has moved beside the bed in the Nubian room, gumballs have spilled onto the floor of an empty hall, footsteps have been heard on a staircase that no longer exists, and eyes have looked back from mirrors. According to a recent intuitive guest, the most active spirit is a little boy. There’s a story about a doll and a knife found in the ceiling and other chilling experiences that the owners are happy to tell on their haunted tour!
In Summer 2019, the Fainting Goat Island Inn opened a new room - the Angora Room - for visitors to stay overnight in. It is then that the inn started hearing stories of more physical paranormal occurrences. Guest would report feeling like someone was sitting on the bed with them or getting sheets pulled off in the middle of the night. One visitor felt like he was being held down in the bed, unable to sit up.
Opportunities for visitors:
Book your visit and stay the night in this haunted hotel. Ghost Hunts and haunted tours offered by event only. Events take place frequently and are limited to 20 people, check the inn's website or Facebook page for details.
Days/times of operation:
Closed Monday-Wednesday. Open year-round, tours and group events posted online.
Visit Fainting Goat Island's website or call the inn for current overnight rates.
TV shows aired on:
Paranormal Hotel