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The Oswego Zombie Fashion Show

Event has ended
Curtis Manor
10 Mark Fitzgibbons Drive
Oswego, NY
Handicap Accessible
Costs: Free admission. Monetary Donations Accepted. Free Zombie Registration. Merchandise and Food will be available for purchase.
Oswego's very own "zombiephile" John Grouber invites you to THE ZOMBIE FASHION SHOW, a perfect way to welcome the fall and Halloween season. Participants and spectators are invited to partake in a frighteningly fun evening at Curtis Manor in Oswego, NY. From mini-monsters, creepy couples, fiendish families and more, THE ZOMBIE FASHION SHOW will have at all! The spectacle begins shortly after 6:30 p.m. with zombies of all ages, as they stroll down the creepy runway for prizes. The "Lawn of the Dead" will allow for more moldy models to join in and do their best zombie walk or crawl to a "killer" soundtrack provided by the best DJ around. Be a part of the event, or just come to watch – if you dare!
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